Tuesday 10 December 2019

Look out below

"I can't wait, my friend and I are going to Hawaii for the holiday!" I screamed as we walked on the smooth grey path to the Airport. Stopping in front of a sign at the Airport we started to read it. "YOU CAN NOW GO ON THE WING OF THE PLANE FOR FREE!" it said I smiled at my friend and we both whispered "let's do it". "oooh this is tight" my friend laughed as we strapped in, "I'm starting to get worried about going on one if the wings of the plane" I thought to myself. But before I could change my mind, The engine started going, which made a grumbling noise, FSOOOOOOOOM! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGH!" everyone screamed, Creeeeeeeek! I heard as the wing We were on broke off. And landed in Hawaii "yay! we survived" I cried.

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