Thursday, 17 May 2018

nz garden2table letter

Owairaka District School
113-115 Richardson Rd
Mt Albert

Wednesday 16th May

Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern
Office of the Chief Executive
Level 8 Executive Wing
Parliament Buildings

Dear Prime Minister

We are writing a letter to tell you how cool Garden to Table is.

We learn to use knives safely and we learn to not waste food. We made banana skin muffins and they might sound yuck but they taste good. Image result for garden2table nz

We learn math and reading in a fun way by reading the recipes carefully and measuring the ingredients in just right amounts. We learn how to cook new foods and work together.

Maybe you could come to our school and taste our food (if you want). We would love it! We would cook for you. You could try something new and the you could help other schools to have this program.


Olly B And Eli G.

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